2025 Logo


Call for Papers Submission Guidelines (pdf)
Proposal Decision Appeals Process Information
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Conference proposal submission open:

October 8, 2024

Conference proposal submission closed:

December 14, 2024

Presenters informed of decision:

January 27, 2025

Author informs NBASLH of final decision to present:

February 3, 2025

Presenter schedules announced:

February 14, 2025



All abstract proposals are selected for oral or poster presentation for NBASLH through a double-blind peer-review process by a review committee consisting of NBASLH leadership and member volunteers. All abstract proposals must be submitted using, Open Water, NBASLH’s online abstract submission and peer review system. 

Please read the instructions for creating an NBASLH account before staring your proposal (click here)


Each session requires submission of a Call for Papers application. The application includes the presentation title, contact person(s), type of presentation, instructional level, session track, program format, session description (listed in the program booklet), session abstract (750 words), learning outcomes, financial and non-financial disclosures for each other, and a biography of each author. The content of the proposed presentation should be of scientific, clinical, or professional significance to the sciences and professions. Submission guidelines should be strictly adhered to or paper will be disqualified. Submission of this application is a commitment to register and attend the convention. Applicants are responsible for obtaining written permission from copyright holders for duplication of previously published materials. Also, it is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that approval for the proposed study is obtained from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of his/her institution.

Selection Criteria

Each proposal meeting the submission criteria will be reviewed for the following elements:

  • Theoretical/Scientific premise
  • Significance of the presentation
  • Quality of information
  • Relevance of topic to the attendees
  • Originality of the contribution
  • Overall clarity


The contact person will receive written notification of acceptance or rejection by January 19, 2025. The contact person will be responsible for notifying the co-authors regarding status of the proposal. Accepted proposals may be scheduled at any time during the convention at the discretion of the convention co-chair and convention planning committee unless the presenter indicates reasonable conflicts.


Abstracts of this convention will be published in the convention booklet. Submission of proposal serves as your agreement. Please edit submissions very carefully.

Description of Required Information

Title: The title of the paper should be brief (10 words maximum), yet describe the presentation content accurately.

Contact Person: Complete the information for the contact person (preferably the first author). The contact person will receive written notification of acceptance or rejection by January 19, 2024. The contact person will be responsible for notifying the co-authors regarding status of the proposal.

Program Format: Please select one of the following options: technical session (30 minutes), undergraduate/graduate student research forum (30 minutes), doctoral student research forum, poster presentation (60 minutes), 1-hour oral seminar.

Instructional Level: Select the Instruction Level appropriate for the presentation.

Introductory level assumes little or no familiarity with the subject.

Intermediate level assumes general familiarity with the literature and professional practice within the areas covered.

Advanced level assumes thorough familiarity with current literature and professional practice.

Session Track: Select among the six session tracks of Audiology and Aural Rehabilitation, Medical-Based Disorders, Clinical and School-Based Disorders, Leadership and Professional Development, Language & Literacy, and Cultural & Linguistic Diversity. 

Short Description: Write a short summary of your abstract in 75 words or less. This is what the attendees will read in the convention booklet. You do not have to restate the title.

Abstract: Write a concise abstract of the proposed presentation in 750 words or less. The abstract should include the purpose(s) of the study, methods, results, and conclusions if the proposal is to present research. If the proposal is a non-empirical presentation of information, the abstract should include the purpose(s), the significance, and a brief description of the proposed presentation.

Learning Outcomes: Learning Outcomes are behavioral statements reflecting the knowledge/skills participants are expected to demonstrate following participation in the session. Learning Outcomes are written in the format, "At the culmination of the session, the participant will be able to..." (e.g., "...describe the function of the swallowing station.", "---list three considerations in selecting candidates for cochlear implants.")

Click here for guidelines for Writing Measurable and Observable Learner Outcomes

Biography of Authors: In narrative form, include a biography (in third person) for each author in the order in which they appear on the Authors page. The biography is limited to 50 words maximum.

Financial Disclosures are those in which you receive a financial benefit (such as a salary, royalty, grant funds, speaking fee, consulting fee, honorarium, intellectual property rights, gift, in-kind services, ownership interest, or patent on equipment) from a source related to the content of the article/presentation.

For example: I receive a salary as an associate professor at Tennessee State University.

Non-financial Disclosures are any relationships that might introduce bias into the article/presentation. These may include formal affiliations such as volunteer positions, volunteer membership on a board or advisory council, volunteer teaching or speaking engagements, volunteer consulting, or affiliations with political, religious, or professional organizations relevant to the content of the article/presentation.

For example: I am a member of the National Black Association of Speech, Language and Hearing and ASHA’s SIG 14.

Click here for ASHA’s Speaker Disclosures Explained

Relevance of the proposed presentation topic to the broad range of NBASLH interests represented by the NBASLH membership and supports the NBASLH's community generally. In assessing relevance, the review committee may consider usefulness of the presentation to colleagues or students, as well as the pertinence of the proposal to the NBASLH conference’s theme “REIMAGINE NBASLH: Innovate, Inspire & Impact.